Andrew Constantine
Music Director

Ione Breeden Auer Podium Endowment

Born in the north-east of England, Andrew Constantine began his musical studies on the cello. Despite a seemingly overwhelming desire to play football (soccer) he eventually developed a passion for the instrument and classical music in general. Furthering his playing at Wells Cathedral School he also got his first sight and experience of a professional conductor; “for some reason, the wonderful Meredith Davies had decided to teach in a, albeit rather special, high school for a time. Even we callow youths realized this was worth paying attention to!”

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Benjamin Rivera
Chorus Director

Louis Bonter Podium Endowment

Benjamin Rivera has been Artistic Director and Conductor of Cantate Chicago since December of 2000. He has prepared and conducted choruses at all levels in repertoire that has included gospel, pop, folk, sacred polyphony, choral/orchestral masterworks, and contemporary pieces.

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Troy Webdell
Youth Education and Family Concert Conductor

Troy Webdell's extensive experience includes serving as founder and music director of the South Shore Orchestra in Valparaiso, Indiana. He has conducted in over 40 cities throughout China in renowned concert halls and in 2017 was named the Honorary Director of Orchestral Programs for the Nanjing Qinxing Arts Academy in Nanjing.

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