Fort Wayne, IN (December 29, 2022) — The Fort Wayne Philharmonic and Local 58, Fort Wayne Musicians Association ended another bargaining session today without reaching an agreement.

Union representatives did not offer a counter proposal at today’s session but asked several questions which all were previously answered by the Philharmonic. On Tuesday, the union offered three proposals. Each demanded increases in their wage and benefits compared to previous proposals made on December 12. This fact, and repeatedly asking previously answered questions in previous sessions, has moved the parties further apart in negotiations.

In its last offer, the Philharmonic made a substantial salary increase of 33.4% over three years. This would return the orchestra to more than pre-pandemic wages in the contract’s first year. The proposal also defined limited change in work rules so the Philharmonic can expand offerings for community engagement and education programs when musicians return from the strike.

Equally important is the fact that in the Philharmonic’s proposal, no current Philharmonic player will lose their core position. Over time, three full-time core member seats will move to per-service status, and one per-service member seat will move to an extra, only after the current seat holder leaves or retires. 

The Philharmonic continues to generously pay 70% of the musician’s health insurance while they remain on strike.